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Hydraulic Press Machine Play Important Role In Industrial Manufacturing
Hydraulic Press Machine Play Important Role In Industrial Manufacturing
The hydraulic press machine represents a specific type of machine tool, essential in the performance of industrial manufacturing processes. Presses deliver energy through a force that acts over a distance or stroke. One important application is in metal forging manufacture. The energy of the press is used to close the die, forging the part within. Press machine tools apply force/energy to the work differently than drop hammers, (that deliver energy to the work through a collision), hammers are the other class of machine tools used to forge metal parts. Drop hammers are covered on the previous page. This page will cover different types of press machines, their function, and capabilities, although it is located in the metal forging section, forging is only one class of manufacturing processes that employ presses.

Hydraulic Press machines are also the primary machine tool used in metal extrusion and sheet metal fabrication processes. Hydraulic and mechanical presses are employed during sheet metal forming to the extent that sheet metal processes, in general, are often referred to as press working. Presses may be used in the manufacture of plastic parts. Machining operations, such as broaching, may also require presses.
Hydraulic Press machine tools vary in size and in the amount of force they can output. The energy from a press is often used to do work requiring a tremendous amount of force, such as a large amount of plastic deformation of a sizable piece of metal. The method and nature by which a press machine will deliver its energy will vary, dependent on its type.